The ultimate strategy to make United Kingdom flourish after Brexit

What writes about in this article is the stuff shown on the title. Of course, this article doesn’t explain that elaborately who has to do what, like “The prime minister has to do this.”“This company should do this.”“Mr. John Doe is a key player in this situation.”.What is introduced here is just an outline, which …

Interesting point in learning other languages

I think most people have learned a foreign language to some extent. Beginning with studying grammars, words and phrases, I think you had sort of fun. But you also had difficulties, don’t you?As you proceeded with learning languages and the education materials for reading, listening, writing, and speaking grow difficult, the first impression you experienced …

Key differences between China and Japan

The trigger which urged me to write this article is an episode of a cartoon “King of the Hill”, where an Asian American is introduced. I happened to know that from a YouTube movie about Asian American, in which a guy was talking about the episode.According to him, in the episode, an American guy from …