How to generate floods of cash on the Internet – from the novices of ASMR to the veterans of online affiliate

1. Introduction

I often watch ASMR movies. ASMR is a recent intense trend and more and more people begin to upload the ASMR movies.
Just uploading movies is fine, I think, but I have had an impression like some people focus only on creating and uploading movies. The purpose is to get income from YouTube.
I think it’s good to generate higher income. Some YouTubers could become millionairs. But what if you could get much higher income from, for instance, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other various kinds of social networking services?

In this blog, the focus is set on the generation of money from the internet. And I will introduce how to create the contents giving you more money than you can get now.

The target of this blog:
1)The novices who are thinking of the creation of movies for youtube
2)Who has just begun the creation of movies for youtube

And please watch the video version of this article.

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The best future for Hong Kong: to become a part of United Kingdom

When I saw the scene of flaming demonstration where the local polices were striving to back off the participants fighting to abolish a tyrannical monster named “Extradition Bill”, I felt no surprise at the fact that the protests of Hong Kong people culminated to such extent. It is too obvious that Hong Kong people, who always take for granted freedom of speech, a high standard of life other developed countries have, capitalism economy giving Hong Kong wealth, and decent political system, hate the rules and systems of a country where the government is willing to torment the people and is dragging them into harsh poverty. Imagining a tragedy that an advanced city declines and becomes a village notorious for environmental pollution, corrupted politics, and expanding economic inequality, the fight-or-die situation Hong Kong people are in is fully comprehensible. But, please think about the future of the past British city. This time, the trigger of demonstrations was extradition bill. After the end of a series of the demonstrations, do you think the strife between Hong Kong and the mainland China is going to be over? As long as people in Hong Kong never surrender their freedom and identity as one of the most developed city around the world, and as long as the mainland government never ceases the attempt absorbing Hong Kong into itself completely, further conflicts are easily predicted.
To root such conflicts and strife, what do you think is the  best way for Hong Kong?

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Key differences between China and Japan

The trigger which urged me to write this article is an episode of a cartoon “King of the Hill”, where an Asian American is introduced.
I happened to know that from a YouTube movie about Asian American, in which a guy was talking about the episode.
According to him, in the episode, an American guy from Laos gets a question from Hank Hill like:
“So are you Chinese or are you Japanese?”.
And the Lao American answers
“No, I’m from Laos, you know. It’s a southeast Asian country.”
Then he asks again.
“OK. So are you Chinese or are you Japanese?”
This confusion occurs because most European and American people don’t know much about Asian stuff like Asian countries, cities, people, languages, cultures and so on.

However, among various and diverse Asian countries, the most famous ones are China and Japan, which is one of the reasons creating the above-mentioned confusion.

On this article, I picked up main remarkable differences based on my perspective as a Japanese. To understand the gross differences, please go on to the followings.

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[Learning from history] How to make correct decisions

How many times have you ever regretted what you did?

Almost all of you have done certain times. If not, maybe you have done few times, haven’t you?
This article introduces a thinking method. You can use it when you have to make important decisions.

And the thinking method is created based on historical events.

1. Background
There are recent and unexpected events occurring in political elections.

1.1. The European parliamentary election in France in 2019
The victor of the vote: The advocates of far-right party National Rally led by Marine Le Pen

1.2. The referendum in United Kingdom in 2016
The victor of the vote: The advocates of “Leave”

1.3. The presidential election in the United States in 2016
The victor of the vote: The advocates of President Donald Trump

These days unexpected results happen, for example, in governmental elections. The fact that the parties and politicians, who are likely to be called “far-right” and “populists” won in the elections is what we had never expected to occur few decades ago. And the outcomes were, as you know, disarray disrupting the whole world.

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I created the blog.

I have created some blogs. Almost all of which are written in Japanese.
Correctly speaking, this blog is the first blog of mine in the way I created this in English.

This blog writes contents in English because I would like to opine to the trends, events, and future of the whole world.

If you like the contents of this blog and my own perspectives, I’m really glad and appreciate you.