1. Introduction
I often watch ASMR movies. ASMR is a recent intense trend and more and more people begin to upload the ASMR movies.
Just uploading movies is fine, I think, but I have had an impression like some people focus only on creating and uploading movies. The purpose is to get income from YouTube.
I think it’s good to generate higher income. Some YouTubers could become millionairs. But what if you could get much higher income from, for instance, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other various kinds of social networking services?
In this blog, the focus is set on the generation of money from the internet. And I will introduce how to create the contents giving you more money than you can get now.
The target of this blog:
1)The novices who are thinking of the creation of movies for youtube
2)Who has just begun the creation of movies for youtube
And please watch the video version of this article.