This article is written about the benefits of adult contents.
Introduction Most of you know, people like adult contents. Especially, men do. Most men frequently watch adult movies, for example, on Pornhub. And some women watch adult movies for the satisfaction of their own sexual desires. Watching adult movies itself is quite natural because people have sexual desires. Which is why some men and some women fall in love, get married, make loves, children, and families.
Considering the above-mentioned stuff, here is the conclusion of this article.
The ultimate strategy to make United Kingdom flourish after Brexit
What writes about in this article is the stuff shown on the title. Of course, this article doesn’t explain that elaborately who has to do what, like
“The prime minister has to do this.”
“This company should do this.”
“Mr. John Doe is a key player in this situation.”.
What is introduced here is just an outline, which deals with stuff of large scale like the followings.
1)Which country or countries to make alliances with
2)Which industry or industries to strengthen
3)How to make diplomatic relationships with other countries
How to create long lasting businesses – Do the secrets lie in Japanese tradition?
There is a fact that among the companies lasting for one hundred years or longer all over the world, Japanese ones account for remarkably large ratio. Which is why, there is a rumor that students, professors, and researchers of Harvard University, which is the most famous American university for being smart, are extremely interested in Japanese companies.
But there is a question; what is good about Japanese culture in favor of the management of companies?
In this article, I would like to introduce a custom of Japanese commerce, which I think is a secret of the Japanese 100-year-old companies.
[Horror novel] Hanako 6
Notice: this is a fiction and the protagonists in this novel are imaginary characters, who aren’t related anyone in reality.
And this is a horror story. If you don’t like such stories or you have intense and special phobias, please don’t read this horror story.
<Here begins the novel.>
“I was in the dispensary when I woke up to know the assault by the ghost girl was over. On the left side was the school doctor, and on the right side Fiona. As I was astonished because of the dramatic change in what I was seeing, at first I lost a word. Before I could hold myself and my thought again,
“I was in the dispensary when I woke up to know the assault by the ghost girl was over. On the left side was the school doctor, and on the right side Fiona. As I was astonished because of the dramatic change in what I was seeing, at first I lost a word. Before I could hold myself and my thought again,
“Are you fine, Ms. Payne?”
said the school doctor, who looked worried about me and had further problems about me.
“What happened to you? I was worried about you so much!”
From Fiona’s face, I could tell she almost burst into crying, or she had just finished crying.
“What is this?”
was what I could say then. Last stuff I could remember was the struggle between the girl and I. While I was striving to get out of her assault, I thought I might be dragged to the world where she lived. That is the world of dead people. That is the world for the unsaved.
Being unable to distinguish which world I was in, the doctor and Fiona told me what happened to me.
Continue reading “[Horror novel] Hanako 6”[Horror novel] Hanako 5
Notice: this is a fiction and the protagonists in this novel are imaginary characters, who aren’t related anyone in reality.
And this is a horror story. If you don’t like such stories or you have intense and special phobias, please don’t read this horror story.
<Here begins the novel.>
“In the restroom were set in line three chambers on the right side of the entrance. Each chamber was surrounded by wooden boards, on which smears and blemish were dispersed. In public schools and some private schools, students clean up where they use; classrooms, corridors, special rooms used for particular subjects like science and music, and restrooms. But as you know, nobody does such a thing seriously. Especially, the places the superintendences of teachers don’t reach out that often.
[Horror novel] Hanako 4
Notice: this is a fiction and the protagonists in this novel are imaginary characters, who aren’t related anyone in reality.
And this is a horror story. If you don’t like such stories or you have intense and special phobias, please don’t read this horror story.
<Here begins the novel.>
“As sunny days are followed by occasional rainy days, the phobia loomed to my life at the age of eight, when I was a third grade student.
Japanese elementary school has six years, after which junior high school begins. Junior high school has three years, then most students join high schools, which is another three-year course. The mandatory duration for education is nine years, which is composed of elementary school and junior high.
My Japanese elementary school had rumors related to ghosts, supernatural phenomena and some mysterious stuff like them. Other schools would be the same, I think, regardless of the differences of countries. Piano automatically plays musics though nobody is in the music room, there are stairs to which a step is added at midnight, and human anatomical model or skeleton model walk late at night in the science room. Even elementary school children would know such rumors exist everywhere and would know they are just fabrications of human imagination. Not real. I think other peers knew that. But people, as their nature, like and need something mysterious and unclear they can’t understand by themselves. Which is why, Fiona and I occasionally talked about some gossip-like horror stories for having fun.
Continue reading “[Horror novel] Hanako 4”[Horror novel] Hanako 3
Notice: this is a fiction and the protagonists in this novel are imaginary characters, who aren’t related anyone in reality.
And this is a horror story. If you don’t like such stories or you have intense and special phobias, please don’t read this horror story.
<Here begins the novel.>
“Before my family moved to San Francisco, I lived in a city named Fujisawa, which is famous for beaches in summer. People say
“Melinda, you lived in Japan? How is the country like?”
“You’ve grown up in Japan? How was it like?”
And some people say like
“Your English is great for Japanese. How did you study English?”
I feel odd that people think I’m from Japan. It’s not a wrong answer, but what I sense is that I moved from a city to another city. And it’s just the two cities are located in two countries different each other. Japan is a name for country. Where I lived is a moderately huge city in the country. Japan is too big for my short duration of residence to generalize.
Continue reading “[Horror novel] Hanako 3”[Horror novel] Hanako 2
Notice: this is a fiction and the protagonists in this novel are imaginary characters, who aren’t related anyone in reality.
And this is a horror story. If you don’t like such stories or you have intense and special phobias, please don’t read this horror story.
<Here begins the novel.>
“Dear Sir or Madam, who accidentally picked up this letter
First, I would like to appreciate taking your time for reading this letter. This is a confession of mine, which is about an incident I experienced. Since then I have a problem rooted in it. If you are busy and don’t like to know the confession, please trash this letter, or pass others this. But if you are tolerant of taking more time for reading this, please go on to the followings.“
[Horror novel] Hanako 1
Notice: this is a fiction and the protagonists in this novel are imaginary characters, who aren’t related anyone in reality.
And this is a horror story. If you don’t like such stories or you have intense and special phobias, please don’t read this horror story.
<Here begins the novel.>
He picked up a clear glass bottle, in which was contained a paper. He strenuously tried to gaze at the thin stuff inside the bottle, which looks like an empty bottle of some alcohol drink. Beginning the observation of the simple but mysterious bottle, from the bottom, it had a cylindrical shape like bottles of wines. Shifting the eyesight to the top, there was a funnel-shaped part on the way, under the neck. After reaching the top, where was supposed to be attached a cap or a cork, was wound by plastic tape. To prevent sea water from infiltrating into the bottle. The black tape created layers and, from his close look, there was no open space on the layers.
Interesting point in learning other languages
I think most people have learned a foreign language to some extent. Beginning with studying grammars, words and phrases, I think you had sort of fun. But you also had difficulties, don’t you?
As you proceeded with learning languages and the education materials for reading, listening, writing, and speaking grow difficult, the first impression you experienced at the beginning of studying fainted. And the dreadful wall separating your mother tongue and the language you were learning grew higher and higher.
This is the point where you lose the willingness to study foreign language. And after getting the credits or enough score in schools an universities, in most cases, you quit studying the languages you had invested long time and some amount of money. Why? The answer was easy. Because you didn’t have to study foreign languages anymore.
But this leads to the partial or complete loss of opportunity in which you can enjoy the encounters with other cultures different from yours. Please imagine, for example, the case in which you go to Japan. In this country, what you can see are Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. And you can eat ramen and sushi. And I would like you to know language is one of those constituents forming foreign cultures and customs.