[Learning from history] How to make correct decisions

How many times have you ever regretted what you did?

Almost all of you have done certain times. If not, maybe you have done few times, haven’t you?
This article introduces a thinking method. You can use it when you have to make important decisions.

And the thinking method is created based on historical events.

1. Background
There are recent and unexpected events occurring in political elections.

1.1. The European parliamentary election in France in 2019
The victor of the vote: The advocates of far-right party National Rally led by Marine Le Pen

1.2. The referendum in United Kingdom in 2016
The victor of the vote: The advocates of “Leave”

1.3. The presidential election in the United States in 2016
The victor of the vote: The advocates of President Donald Trump

These days unexpected results happen, for example, in governmental elections. The fact that the parties and politicians, who are likely to be called “far-right” and “populists” won in the elections is what we had never expected to occur few decades ago. And the outcomes were, as you know, disarray disrupting the whole world.

2. Thinking method The followings explain how to make correct decisions.

2.1. Collect the information for what to decide As a presumable condition, information is necessary. Without enough information, you have a possibility to fail to make correct decisions.

2.2. Become cool off For correct decision, sober minds are necessary as a foundation. If your minds are filled with intense emotions like anger, sadness, and hilarity, you are in a state in which you are deceived by your own emotions. 

2.3. Expect the outcomes in the future When you decide something, a result or results happen following what you did or didn’t. To act means to influence on the stuff environing the one or ones who took the actions. In the case of the elections introduced in “1. Background”,  your votes may have some effects to others to sone extent. In this phase, what you should think about is
“what’s gonna happen if things go as I intended?”
“whatever I do, there is no change in my life.”.

2.4. Decide the deadlines to decide The last stuff you are allowed to do is to avoid deciding things. Someday, at some moment, you are obliged to decide something. Which is what you have to keep in mind. If you have some worries in making decisions about something, you can wait, but you have to decide later. For which, you have to decide by when to decide.

2.5. Decide what to do At the final phase, time to decide will come. Whatever you think, worry, and discuss, you need to decide. Without decisions, there is no change or, perhaps decline, is waiting for you in the future.

3. Notice You have to decide something.
Stopping on the way or postponing decision makings are the worst stuff. You have to go ahead when deciding something.

4. Afterwords
What is needed is to think your decision is the best for both you and the rest. This is what I keep in mind and when I lost my way, I try to think like that. This idea is derived from a novel “11.22.63”, which is a work of Stephen King.
I forgot the deatails of this novel. But the story is that the main protagonist Jake Epping tries to rescue President John F Kennedy by preventing the assassination. Finally, the world after the prevention of the assasinstion turned out to be collapsed because of nuclear wars and the main protagonist decided to recouperate the original world where John F Kennedy was  assassinated.

Before reading this, when I was depressed, I was always wondering there would have been better ways and was concerned about past events.
“I wish things went like this.”
“Why did/didn’t I do that stuff?”
But after reading the novel “11.22.63”, I came to think that whatever I incur, they must be the stuff I was destined to get through and things will grow better.

As a conclusion, what you can do is to believe your choices are always correct if you follow the way to decide introduced above. “No matter how much you get depressed, regret, and feel helpless, that is what you are supposed to get through. And even such a harsh situation exists for the good of yourselves and your lives.” This is what I try to think whenever I get into tough situations.

I created a video related to political elections in US and European countries. If you are interested in such topics, please watch the video below.

Published by richard33gong

Name: Richard Gong I’m an office worker (white collar, with a master degree) working for a Japanese relatively huge company (maybe few people know its name). As a side job and a hobby, I create adult contents; main works are the followings. 1. Collages: In which pictures are combined with captions. These are also called “Pictures with Captions” 2. Porn novels, porn novellas 3. Blog writings, movies creations, podcast creations: Used for showing and telling you about the benefits adult contents have. And some of the contents introduce the followings. 1) Sex techniques 2) Safety of sexual intercourses 3) Stuff to know for launching and running adult businesses I upload such adult contents to a Japanese social networking service and am sort of well off thanks to it. In this blog service, I upload occasionally the articles about what I thought about this world we live in, which means the subjects of those are like the followings. 1. Politics 2. Economy 3. The internet service 4. Porn industry 5. Working environment Those articles above are the products from the perspective and experience of a porn creator. And sometimes, I’m. thinking of uploading novels and novellas. Please enjoy this blog! Authors I respect: Stephen King

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