Let’s study English! – Here are educational resources I have created.

This time is about educational resources I have created, as is written on the title. I create episodes of podcast and videos, as well as adult contents. (When I posted this content, my creating activity of the above-mentioned contents has been extremely slowed down.) And I have got some reputations and opinions about my English skills. Which is why, this time, I have created a book about how to speak English.

The following is the book of interest in this document.

As is written in the book, this book targets busy nonnative speakers of English. For example, if you are a banker working for Goldman Sachs (this is an example, please forgive me), this is a suitable one. (I know that bankers of Goldman Sachs NEVER need the book in reality. If you really are, I’m afraid I would like you to choose other books for studying English than this one.) Which is why, if you are thinking of giving up studying English because of your deadly hard works and murderously busy lives, please take this book and spend a few minutes for this one before your giving up. If you have just thought that you may need English skills, in my perspective, that may be the last chance. You may never recognize the necessity of English skills for the rest of your lives. Whether you choose to take this book or not may change your incomes in the future. (Another example: if you are a physician, your income is already high. And I recommend that you choose other books for studying English.)

And before actually taking this book, please make sure to confirm the following caution.

CAUTION: this book introduces examples, but most of them are NOT suitable for using in public places. Which means, for example, if you use one of them in an official situation, even accidentally, you may DESTROY your entire careers!

But I think the book is easy enough for you to understand the point of speaking English, including what to do to train yourselves.

At last, I hope you grab your own happiness by this book and your English skills.

Please also enjoy the following.

That’s it.

Thank you very much for reading.

Published by richard33gong

Name: Richard Gong I’m an office worker (white collar, with a master degree) working for a Japanese relatively huge company (maybe few people know its name). As a side job and a hobby, I create adult contents; main works are the followings. 1. Collages: In which pictures are combined with captions. These are also called “Pictures with Captions” 2. Porn novels, porn novellas 3. Blog writings, movies creations, podcast creations: Used for showing and telling you about the benefits adult contents have. And some of the contents introduce the followings. 1) Sex techniques 2) Safety of sexual intercourses 3) Stuff to know for launching and running adult businesses I upload such adult contents to a Japanese social networking service and am sort of well off thanks to it. In this blog service, I upload occasionally the articles about what I thought about this world we live in, which means the subjects of those are like the followings. 1. Politics 2. Economy 3. The internet service 4. Porn industry 5. Working environment Those articles above are the products from the perspective and experience of a porn creator. And sometimes, I’m. thinking of uploading novels and novellas. Please enjoy this blog! Authors I respect: Stephen King

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