What writes about in this article is the stuff shown on the title. Of course, this article doesn’t explain that elaborately who has to do what, like
“The prime minister has to do this.”
“This company should do this.”
“Mr. John Doe is a key player in this situation.”.
What is introduced here is just an outline, which deals with stuff of large scale like the followings.
1)Which country or countries to make alliances with
2)Which industry or industries to strengthen
3)How to make diplomatic relationships with other countries
1.Presumable condition – strength and weakness of United Kingdom
To investigate which industry United Kingdom can exert larger influences than other industries, the websites below were used. Those websites have the lists of companies ranking the companies by revenue. Website 1 is the list all over the world, and Website 2 is the list only in Europe.
Website 1(Please also check out “Picture 1” below): List of largest companies by revenue
Website 2(Please also check out “Picture 2” below): List of largest European companies by revenue
From the links above, United Kingdom has the companies in the industries of oil-and-gas and finance. And UK doesn’t have a company earning a lot in manufacturing industry.
Considering the fact written above, in this article, the author would like to pose the following.
The industries UK can exert the strength: oil-and-gas, finance
The industries UK can’t exert the strength: manufacturing
If you wonder whether the above-mentioned thinking manner is trustworthy or not, please take into consideration the performances of German manufacturing companies. Some of you may know German automotive companies are famous for the high qualities of their own products. And I think most of you know the following brands.
Your understanding is that these brands are luxuries bestowed only to rich people. Each manufacturer of each brand written above is German company. And in my perspective as a Japanese, those German cars are durable, trustworthy, and fully advanced. Based on which, in automotive industry, German makers are loads of steps ahead of the rest. But, here is a thing. Is there no candidate who would emulate and exceed such German grates?
The answer is, I’m afraid, yes there is. For example, the makers of the country I’m from. As well as those German companies, you know Nissan, Toyota, and it’s brand Lexus. And perhaps you know Honda, don’t you? In automotive field, Japan has a huge influence.
Likewise, when it comes to semiconductor industry, there is a tech giant named “Samsung”. One of the most famous it’s products is Galaxy series of smartphone.
2.So, what should UK do to survive?As is introduced above, taking a close look at Asian economy, there are huge companies, which have enough technologies, resources, and capitals. Considering such an economic power Asian countries have, here is the conclusion of this article.
The conclusion: United Kingdom should make alliances with the countries able to compensate for the weakness of UK itself.
In this context, the candidates of allies are Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. Of course, the greatest Asian tyrant, China is also one of them.
Hundreds of years ago, United Kingdom had began colonization in various regions except for Europe. As the territories of British Empire spread, so did English language, which connected most of the people through the world. And the glory of the empire had lasted by the beginning of the twentieth century. Though United Kingdom has become one of European countries, it still has a great opportunity to resurrect the glory. The manner is to create alliances with the past colonies and the rich countries outside Europe.
This is just an example, but if a British bank create a special scheme to finance Japanese automotive companies and Korean electronics companies to instigate their researches and developments, such a scheme may give the bank more capital exceeding its investment in those Asian companies. Which will benefits UK government as a tax paid by the bank, and UK and it’s allies may get gold tickets to flourish exceeding wealthy European nations like France, Germany, and some Nordic countries.
Such a scheme has an immense possibility to heave United Kingdom well higher than other European countries, even EU as a whole.
Now, United Kingdom is getting a good chance to become the greatest empire again!