[Horror novel] Hanako 4

Notice: this is a fiction and the protagonists in this novel are imaginary characters, who aren’t related anyone in reality.

And this is a horror story. If you don’t like such stories or you have intense and special phobias, please don’t read this horror story.

<Here begins the novel.>
“As sunny days are followed by occasional rainy days, the phobia loomed to my life at the age of eight, when I was a third grade student.

Japanese elementary school has six years, after which junior high school begins. Junior high school has three years, then most students join high schools, which is another three-year course. The mandatory duration for education is nine years, which is composed of elementary school and junior high.

My Japanese elementary school had rumors related to ghosts, supernatural phenomena and some mysterious stuff like them. Other schools would be the same, I think, regardless of the differences of countries. Piano automatically plays musics though nobody is in the music room, there are stairs to which a step is added at midnight, and human anatomical model or skeleton model walk late at night in the science room. Even elementary school children would know such rumors exist everywhere and would know they are just fabrications of human imagination. Not real. I think other peers knew that. But people, as their nature, like and need something mysterious and unclear they can’t understand by themselves. Which is why, Fiona and I occasionally talked about some gossip-like horror stories for having fun.

It was on a date on October, when such entertaining ghost stories turn to be terrible and harmful monsters having real sharp fangs and snarling showing them from the open mouth. Days after the date is coming Halloween, when kids wearing ghost costumes would visit houses shouting “trick or treat” everywhere in the United States. But at that time in the whole area of Japan, Halloween is just a date. Like people just knew it’s name and this wearing ghost costumes stroll around neighborhood. What ordinary Japanese people understood was such a day or an event exist in Anglo countries, stuff like that. Which is why, without having any delighting nor exciting mood, Fiona and I were in the school and were nonchalantly taking classes on the day.

The elementary school was, at that time, gray buildings like those standing lines on Wall Street. The school didn’t look cool. It’s just a pair of two rectangular prisms. Each was a three-story building, with a width wider than the height. Those two gray boxes stood parallel facing each other on the widest sides. Each building was called north wing and south wing. Between them was a bridge so every floor of the north and the south were connected. They faced southward; when boys girls go outside, a torrent of sunlight comes down onto them with a salty breeze coming from the Pacific. In front of the school buildings was also a school yard colored with grayish tiny gravels. The premise itself was surrounded by a coherent concrete wall, which was slightly shorter than my height. On the wall is a wired fence, which was taller than the concrete part playing a role as the foundation. The fence itself was approximately as twice as my height as a child at the age of eight. Boys sometimes tried to climb the fence for competition or stuff like that, and then got caught and scolded by teachers.

After the classes on the day, when Fiona and I almost cross over the school gate, I remembered that I forgot stuff: recorder. To get back to the classroom, it was necessary to go around the school yard. And our class room was in the north wing, which means I have to cross the bridge. It was a little bit long journey for a girl younger then teenagers. Telling her I had to get back, because there was a recorder test on the next day,

“All right, I’ll wait here.”

said she, with a smile containing some fun and slight irritation. I began to scurry, then ran to the destination. Imagining the map of school, where the north is upward and the south is downward, the entrance was positioned in the middle of the south wing. It was open to southward. The whole premise was a rectangular, with two corners, which are the south east and the south west, cut off at the angle of forty five degree. The gate from which we almost left was the east gate, which was placed at the cut off corner of the south east. And from each gate is extended a path along the wall and the border of yard, to the entrance. The school yard covered the middle and south of the premise, which was why the two wings were set back to the north.

Turning to the left at the corner, she felt tough to breathe. By the time when, grew out of breath before reaching the entrance. Just before getting into the building, she was walking to catch her breath. Changing her shoes to the indoor ones, she turned to the left to head for the bridge. In the building after classes was floating dimming silence, in which the glow brought from dawn was getting dissipated and the darkness slipping with dusk was beginning to take over the atmosphere in the school. Only sound I could hear back then was a series of small echoes of what boys and girls were shrieking who were practicing hard in the sports clubs of this school. As I was going ahead deeper into the cavernous corridor of school, the bright echoes were fainting into whispers. On the point few steps after which there was the destination, only stuff I could hear was my own heartbeats. What I remember, after opening the door of the room, was the redden glow lancing through the windows into the floor. The room was colored with orange like Halloween pumpkin. It was just the classroom wasn’t painted with blood stain. But the silence with a chill inside the classroom had another horrible face different from daytime school, where kids were talking, running, and playing in a delighted atmosphere. I stepped into the room, then scurried to my desk. Snatching the object and putting it into my bag, I hurried to the door. It was because, I think, I was relieved from the tension given by grayish wall and black floor. I happened to feel like taking a leak. It took approximately thirty minutes to reach my house. Using the nearest restroom from where I was was the smartest choice. However, there was a little problem, which was a rumor that a ghost girl was in the restroom and if you call out her name, she replies. Her name was “Hanako”, who is one of the most famous ghosts in Japan. People would know by the name “Hanako in the restroom”. I didn’t believe in her back then. But some peers did and they used another restroom farther away from my classroom. The restroom was not scary in daytime, but the dimming corridor frightened me and gave me a chill. I was compelled to ponder whether I had to use the nearest restroom to get back to the gate where Fiona waited for me, or I use a farther restroom to avoid the problem. Few seconds were enough for me to decide to choose the nearest, which turned out to be a wrong answer afterwards.”

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The following is an adult book comprising some porn novellas.
If you are interested in my works, help yourself enjoying the book below.

Author’s works: Asaka SENDOU

Published by richard33gong

Name: Richard Gong I’m an office worker (white collar, with a master degree) working for a Japanese relatively huge company (maybe few people know its name). As a side job and a hobby, I create adult contents; main works are the followings. 1. Collages: In which pictures are combined with captions. These are also called “Pictures with Captions” 2. Porn novels, porn novellas 3. Blog writings, movies creations, podcast creations: Used for showing and telling you about the benefits adult contents have. And some of the contents introduce the followings. 1) Sex techniques 2) Safety of sexual intercourses 3) Stuff to know for launching and running adult businesses I upload such adult contents to a Japanese social networking service and am sort of well off thanks to it. In this blog service, I upload occasionally the articles about what I thought about this world we live in, which means the subjects of those are like the followings. 1. Politics 2. Economy 3. The internet service 4. Porn industry 5. Working environment Those articles above are the products from the perspective and experience of a porn creator. And sometimes, I’m. thinking of uploading novels and novellas. Please enjoy this blog! Authors I respect: Stephen King

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