How to generate floods of cash on the Internet – from the novices of ASMR to the veterans of online affiliate

1. Introduction

I often watch ASMR movies. ASMR is a recent intense trend and more and more people begin to upload the ASMR movies.
Just uploading movies is fine, I think, but I have had an impression like some people focus only on creating and uploading movies. The purpose is to get income from YouTube.
I think it’s good to generate higher income. Some YouTubers could become millionairs. But what if you could get much higher income from, for instance, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other various kinds of social networking services?

In this blog, the focus is set on the generation of money from the internet. And I will introduce how to create the contents giving you more money than you can get now.

The target of this blog:
1)The novices who are thinking of the creation of movies for youtube
2)Who has just begun the creation of movies for youtube

And please watch the video version of this article.

2. Conclusion

What you have to focus on is not just YouTube, but the contents you’d like to introduce to viewers.

3. Manner

3.1. What matters is the followings.
1)What and how many movies you can upload
2)How you can introduce what you want others to know.

3.2. Elaborate explanation
1)What and how many movies you can upload
If you are in the situation where you create a lot of movies, you are on the phase of a sprout, which is what you have to raise. If you are a novice of YouTuber, what you have to do is to keep creating movies. 
But this is not enough. Creating a bunch of movies is a beginning phase.  You have to think how to expand those movies you have created beyond YouTube.
2)How you can introduce what you want others to know
What you should concentrate on, if you want more, is a huge tree. Which means your YouTube channels are the trunk and from which, you can create, blogs, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and so many social networking services.
When your channels grow full-fledged, it’s about time to think what else you can use your own channels for.
In the case of ASMR, and if you make the movies of mukbang, or eating scene, you also have other options like
2-1) Writing blogs of the dishes and its recipes you made for the ASMR movies,
2-2) Taking pictures of dishes to upload on Instagram for advertisement
Note: You can use this manner in other ways, like the introductions of cosmetics, and live game playing scenes.

In the metaphor of huge tree this movie is using, the blogs, Twitter, and Instagram are the branches with leaves extended from the trunk. And as trees generate nutrients through photosynthesis, your YouTube channels, blogs, and tweets generate cash flows, which are the fruition of the trees you have striven to raise. Or the fruition of the trees you will raise in the future.

4. Afterwords

Finally, if you follow this manner of contents’ creation and succeed, you may be able to emulate, or perhaps, exceed those people going ahead of you for now.

That’s all.

Thank you very much for reading.

Published by richard33gong

Name: Richard Gong I’m an office worker (white collar, with a master degree) working for a Japanese relatively huge company (maybe few people know its name). As a side job and a hobby, I create adult contents; main works are the followings. 1. Collages: In which pictures are combined with captions. These are also called “Pictures with Captions” 2. Porn novels, porn novellas 3. Blog writings, movies creations, podcast creations: Used for showing and telling you about the benefits adult contents have. And some of the contents introduce the followings. 1) Sex techniques 2) Safety of sexual intercourses 3) Stuff to know for launching and running adult businesses I upload such adult contents to a Japanese social networking service and am sort of well off thanks to it. In this blog service, I upload occasionally the articles about what I thought about this world we live in, which means the subjects of those are like the followings. 1. Politics 2. Economy 3. The internet service 4. Porn industry 5. Working environment Those articles above are the products from the perspective and experience of a porn creator. And sometimes, I’m. thinking of uploading novels and novellas. Please enjoy this blog! Authors I respect: Stephen King

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